
Get the right equipment and gadgets for you

Community equipment provider NRS Healthcare – important update

Our community equipment provider, NRS Healthcare recently suffered a cyber security attack.

NRS provide equipment such as hospital beds, hoists and grab rails that support independent living and are used by councils and the NHS across the country.

We do not currently know the details of any possible security breach or if any personal data has been obtained. We are working alongside our partners to liaise with NRS about the cyber-attack, and our data protection teams are closely monitoring the situation to establish what data, if any, has been compromised.  

As a preventative measure, we would encourage service users to be extra vigilant with any phone calls, emails or visits from people they do not know. NRS staff will always be happy to provide identification when asked.

If you received equipment from NRS and have any questions or concerns you can email

Anyone who is concerned or would like further information, either for themselves or for a family member or friend, can contact us by calling 020 7361 2644 Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.

Where to get equipment

You may wish to get simple equipment like toileting and bathing aids, walking frames and walking sticks at your local pharmacy. Find your local pharmacy through NHS Choices

Here are some other suggestions:

Support from us

If you would like to talk to us about equipment and what additional support we provide, please contact Social Care Direct by email or phone 020 8359 5000.

If we are able to provide equipment, this will be provided by our supplier NRS

Returning equipment

Equipment issued through our partner NRS is on a loan basis and must be returned when it is no longer required. 

Get in touch to arrange pick-up:

Millions of pounds worth of equipment items and wheelchairs are thrown away each year by people who no longer have a need for it.

This means that we can’t recycle it and issue it out to other residents, who may need it to maintain their independence, or to help them stay in their home instead of being admitted to hospital or care homes.

Equipment can help you live an independent life