
The Mayor's Benevolent Fund

Applications for the Mayor’s fund are now open

School uniform grants can only be made during summertime school holidays.

Grants are small one-off payments are given to residents living in the borough who are in financial need.

To qualify for a grant, applicants must:

  • be living in the borough of Barnet
  • be in receipt of an income-related statutory welfare benefit (such as Universal Credit).

How the Mayor’s Benevolent Fund can be used

Applicants are restricted to a maximum of 2 awards from the benevolent fund.

School uniform

From April 2022, these grants will only be for helping with the cost of school uniform. This grant is for children aged 11 or over who are:

  • transferring from primary to secondary school
  • starting a new secondary school
  • The maximum award is £100 per child.

Applicants should check before applying to see if the school in question operates its own scheme of assistance. The benevolent fund will then consider making up any shortfall up to £100 per child.

How and when to apply for the Mayor’s Benevolent Fund

The application window will be open from Monday 1 July 2024 to Wednesday 31 July 2024.

Requests will be accepted from a third party, such as a social worker or an advice agency. The third party should have first-hand knowledge of the client’s circumstances.

Apply for the Mayor's Benevolent Fund

The decision-making process

The trustees of the benevolent fund consider all applications made during summertime school holidays.

If applications contain all the information required, it usually takes about 4 to 5 weeks to get a decision.

The trustees’ decisions are final.

For information on how we use your data for the Mayor’s Benevolent Fund, please see our privacy notice:

Notification and payment of awards

All decisions are notified by email to the named contact.

Awards are paid directly to the designated school outfitter.


For further information, please email

Other support

Find out more about our benefits, grants, and financial advice.