
Approval of venue for religious worship and marriages

Registering a building as a place of religious worship

You can apply through Barnet Register Office to have any building in Barnet certified as a place of worship. The person who acts as minister or trustee must complete Form 76 available on the GOV.UK website.

You will need to complete two copies of this form and return them to the Barnet Register Office together with a sketch of the floor plan identifying:

  • which rooms will be used for worship
  • the times when the building will be used for worship and 
  • include a cheque or postal order to cover the fee for £29

Please send your sketches and Form 76 to:

Barnet Register office
Hendon Town Hall
The Burroughs
NW4 4BG 

Registering a building of religious worship as a place to hold marriages

If you want your registered place of worship to become a place where marriages can take place, the person acting as minster or trustee will need to complete Form 78 available on the GOV.UK website.

Form 78 requires the signatures of 20 separate householders who say that the building is their usual place of worship and that they would like it to be registered as a place of marriage. You'll need to send this completed form to the Barnet Register Office, with a cheque or postal order to cover the statutory fee.

Fees £123

We will then send the information to the General Register Office for approval. We will write and let you know when you have been successful.

You will need to advertise the building as a place of worship in the local newspaper before it can be used as a place of marriage.