
Join the BarNET ZERO Challenge

Do you have an idea that can make a real difference in the borough?

We invite you to join the BarNET ZERO Challenge – a competition that encourages individuals and communities to come forward with creative and innovative ideas that will reduce carbon emissions.

The BarNET ZERO Challenge is open to those who live, work or study in Barnet and are passionate about sustainability.

Successful participants can attend workshops to develop their idea, showcase their projects to a panel of experts, receive funding from a cash pot of £10,000 and win prizes including:

  • X Box Live Subscription
  • 1 Year Microsoft Office Subscription
  • An opportunity to be part of the Natwest Accelerator Programme

The initiative is led by Barnet Council and Middlesex University, with the generous support of Brent Cross Shopping Centre, NatWest and Microsoft.

About the BarNET ZERO Challenge

In May 2022, Barnet declared a Climate and Biodiversity Emergency recognising that urgent action is needed.

London Borough of Barnet Council and Middlesex University have both committed to becoming Net Zero, and have teamed up to launch the BarNET ZERO Challenge.

The aim of the contest is to help develop innovative ideas for solving some of the borough’s sustainability challenge areas:

  1. Waste and Sustainable Consumption
  2. Learning, Communication & Partnerships
  3. Nature and Biodiversity
  4. Travel
  5. Housing, Buildings & Renewable Energy

The above five challenge themes have developed from Barnet's Citizens’ Assembly discussions on Climate Change and Biodiversity - read more about this here.

How does the Challenge work?

Review the five challenge areas and decide which one you’d like to submit your idea for.

Write a 200-word outline of your idea, including an explanation of why you think it is a good idea and how it could be implemented.

Enter the challenge here

Submit your 200-word entry, by completing the form here. The closing date for entries is 29 November 2023.