
Freedom of Information Request

Proposals for the creation of new cycle lanes on the A1000 in Whetstone High Road

Received: 22 January 2024

This request is made under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act and Environmental Information Regulations and is submitted on behalf of Friern Barnet & Whetstone Residents' Association.The term 'documents' used below includes documents whether in written or in electronic formats and includes reports, papers, notes, emails, letters and memoranda.This request relates to proposals for the creation of new cycle lanes on the A1000 in Whetstone High Road -1. Is it correct that such proposals are being/have been considered by Barnet Council?2. What is the physical extent of the proposed new cycle lanes ?If the proposed cycle lanes include sections of the A1000 other than the section between the junction with Oakleigh Road North ( A109) and the junction with Buckingham Avenue , what other sections of the A1000 are also the subject of such proposals?Questions 3 -11 below also apply to any such other sections of proposed cycle lanes as well as to the section between the junction with Oakleigh Road North ( A109) and the junction with Buckingham Avenue.3. What are the proposed hours of operation of each of the sections of the proposed cycle lanes?4. What public consultations are proposed in relation to the proposals, and when ,and for how long will the consultation be open to comments, how will they be publicised?5. What cost- benefit analyses have been carried out in respect of the proposals? Please provide copies of the analyses and of any documents considering or discussing them.6. Please provide full details of the proposals, even if not yet finalised.7. So far as not provided in response to questions above, what information is held as to the anticipated loss of on-street parking spaces in each section of the proposed cycle lanes, what is the anticipated effect of the loss of that parking on local businesses, what studies have been carried out to attempt to quantify that effect on those businesses and what proposals are there to mitigate the effect of those losses of parking spaces?8. So far as not provided in response to questions above, what information is held as to the 'before and after' current/ predicted journey times (both north-bound and south-bound) a) through each of the sections of A1000 which will include the proposed cycle lanes and b) through the sections of the A1000 roadway feeding into them, in eachcase for 1) buses and 2) other traffic ( excluding cycles).9. Please provide copies of the evidence base upon which the case for the proposals is based.10. Please provide copies of the documents recording -A) the internal discussions of the proposals within the Council administrative organisation since 31 December 2019.B) the discussions between the Council administrative organisation and the Mayor of London/GLA/LA/TfL since 31 December 2019.11. Please provide links to the minutes of the meetings of any Council committees and Cabinet recording discussions of the proposals since 31 December 2019.12. Please provide the contact details of the Council officers responsible for leading the Council involvement with the proposals.

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (some exempt) - application/pdf - Download