
Freedom of Information Request

Oakleigh Road South, N11 and neighbouring streets - Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) consultation

Received: 24 January 2024

This request is made under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act and Environmental Information Regulations and is submitted on behalf of Friern Barnet & Whetstone Residents' Association.The term 'documents' used below includes documents whether in written or in electronic formats and includes reports, papers, notes, emails, letters and memoranda.This request relates to the now closed "Oakleigh Road South, N11 and neighbouring streets - Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) consultation (the'Consultation') a report of which is available a on the Engage Barnet website at Please provide a copy of the questionnaire and letters advising of it that were used for the Consultation.2. Were letters advising of the Consultation sent or delivered to all properties within the consultation area? How many such letters were sent/delivered?3. Were any letters advising of the Consultation sent or delivered to any properties outside the consultation area? If so please identify the roads in question. How many such letters were sent/delivered?4. Please provide copies of the aggregated responses to the questionnaire, subdivided into the relevant categories showing separately the totals of the various responses to each of the questions/fields for comment.5.Please provide copies of the internal reports on the outcome of the consultation.6. With reference to the statement ( on the webpage ) - ' We received 278 responses from approximately 1350 properties, which equates to an overall response rate of 21%.64% of respondents told us they, their family or visitors experience parking problems near their property. They stated that parking problems are mainly caused by multiple car households, schools, and local businesses. Of those properties consulted, 15% objected to the introduction of a Controlled Parking Zone.19% of those that responded said they would like traffic issues investigated further to improve road safety and accessibility, monitor the impact of the planned closure of Arnos Grove Station Car Park and the upcoming and ongoing developments in the neighbourhood'-6A Is it correct that there were approximately 202 ( 1,350 x 15%) responses objecting to the introduction of a CPZ out of a total of 278 responses, so that approximately 73% of responses were objections to the introduction of a CPZ ? If not, what are the correct figures and what percentage of responses were objections to the introduction of a CPZ ?6B. please provide copies of any internal documents discussing , commenting on or approving the statement.7. Please provide copies of the documents containing the instructions to staff/consultants given for progressing the development of 'proposals to improve traffic flow, safety, and accessibility at the road junctions and on road bends' as referenced in the webpage report.8.What meetings/discussions were held with Ward members with regard to the proposals referenced at 7 above? Please provide copies of relevant documents including any record of agreement of Ward members to the proposals9. What stage have the proposals referenced at 7 above now reached? What are the next steps and when are these planned for?10. Do the proposals referenced at 7 above include proposals for the introduction of a Controlled Parking Zone?

Outcome / Documents

  • BC 000009-01-03_2023_2 - Ref 11457146 - application/pdf - Download
  • Oakleigh Road South N11 Informal Consultation Letter NJ (PDF) - Ref 11457146 - application/pdf - Download
  • Questionnaire - Oakleigh Road South CPZ (PDF) Ref 11457146 - application/pdf - Download
  • Response (some exempt) - application/pdf - Download