
Freedom of Information Request

Full .csv of planning applications in Barnet LPA

Received: 21 February 2024

Dear Barnet LPA,I am requesting information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Could you please provide a csv (or xlsx) file containing the following information on all individual planning applications from Jan 1 2010 to Dec 31 2023?Columns:*Planning application number/reference*Easting*Northing*Postcode*Address*Ward*Parish (if applicable)*Current application status*Application outcome (if applicable)*Consent type (eg. Full, Outline, Reserved Matters, etc.)*Development category (eg. major dwellings, minor dwellings, any other category of new dwellings)*Number of dwellings created (if possible and applicable)*Development proposal summary (if it exists)*Date received*Decision date*Date validatedPlease define any/all ambiguous varaibles in the dataset (eg. 1: minor dwellings application).I understand that your authority already offers a planning search tool which contains much of this information. However, this tool limits the number of applications displayed, making the fulfilment of my particular request infeasible. I also understand that your authority publishes summaries of applications with some of these variables. However, I require individual geo-linked observations.For reference, South Somerset District Council already provided an analogous file which was perfect for my purposes (link here).I would like to express my gratitude for your time and effort in processing this request.

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (information exempt) - application/pdf - Download