
Freedom of Information Request

EHCP data

Received: 26 February 2024

* As of 26.02.2024, how many children in your borough have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP)* As of 26.02.2024, how many children in your borough with an EHCP are overdue their annual review? * As of 26.02.2024, how many children are currently undergoing an EHC Assessment? * How many EHC Assessments did your local authority complete / finalise in the 2022-2023 academic year (September 22 - July 23) * How many of the assessments for the previous question were completed within the statutory timeframe of 20 weeks? Please provide the number and percentage equivalent. * Please share your local authorities policy / process / procedures for completing quality assurance of EHCPs. * As of 26.02.2024, how many children with an EHCP in your borough are persistently absent from school? * As of 26.02.2024, how many children with an EHCP are registered as Electively Home Educated (EHE) ?* As of 26.02.2024, how many children with an EHCP are registered as CME (Children Missing Education)* As of 26.02.2024, how many children with an EHCP have been suspended from school this academic year? (September 23- now) * As of 26.02.2024, how many children with an EHCP are attending Alternative Provision (AP) * As of 26.02.2024, how many children with an EHCP are registered as 'NEET' (not in education, employment or training) in your borough?

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (some exceeds appropriate limit) - application/pdf - Download