
Freedom of Information Request

Double Deleted Emails

Received: 2 March 2024

1) Please may you advise how long an email deleted from a user's inboxes and deleted items folder is retained for by your Council? Example:The ICT Department have confirmed that once an email is deleted from a user's inbox and deleted items folder, it is retained on a tape back-up for up to 6 months. After 6 months the back-up tapes are overwritten with new data.I understand the default setting on MS365 is 14 days.If you have deviated therefore from this:Q2) What are the reasons given for why the timeframe was set for the length of time as given in response to Q1?Q3) Whom were consulted about this and whom were required to give their agreement to it being set at X days/months? (job titles)Q4) How was this decision conducted? By informal means or through a specific type of meeting with the appropriate attendees purposed for this type of governance matter?Q5) when was the decision taken to set it to X days/month and when was the decision subsequently last reviewed?

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (all information to be supplied) - application/pdf - Download