
Freedom of Information Request


Received: 11 March 2024

Freedom of information requestAny local authority intervention of this scale should of course be backed up by appropriate data. As residents of the affected street we require access to this data in order to form a balanced opinion on whether the scheme is an appropriate proposal for our community. We therefore request, under the freedom of information act, records pertaining to the following (only for the school street scheme in question).1.Minutes of any meetings held with representatives of St Mary's CofE school relating to this proposal. To include;a.Evidence pertaining to current strategies implemented by the school to improve road safety for their childrenb.Evidence of strategies implemented by the council to improve road safety awareness by parents and children of the school. c.Evidence of any specific highlighted dangers regarding current road layouts - Specifically a record of any near-misses, incidents or accidents related to traffic management around the school.d.Evidence of parental views regarding the implementation of the scheme in this area2.Air quality data pertaining to the safer schools scheme in this area. To include:a.Results of air quality monitoring surveys undertaken in the vicinityb.Minutes of council meetings with air quality or environmental experts pertaining to the implementation of this scheme.3.Data pertaining to the safety of the roads for the proposed scheme, to include;a.Evidence pertaining to any known existing traffic safety issues, serious incidents or reported near-misses.b.Evidence pertaining to any known existing cycling safety issues, serious incidents or reported near misses.c.Comprehensive risk assessments conducted for the anticipated changes in traffic flow for the implementation of this scheme - Specifically at the edges of the restricted roads (corner of Claremont park/Lyndhurst gardens and corner of Dollis avenue/dollis park).d.Comprehensive risk/impact assessments conducted for the effect of the scheme on existing residentse.Comprehensive risk/impact assessments conducted for the effect of the scheme on existing local businesses. f.Minutes of any meetings in which items a-d above were discussed.4.Data pertaining to privacy risk/impact assessments from the addition of ANPR traffic cameras to a residential area. To includea.Data governance/GDPR risk assessments or relevant standard operating procedures for the handling of numberplate data obtained through the proposed school streets scheme.

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (some exempt) - application/pdf - Download