
Freedom of Information Request

Information relating to 52 Greenfield Gardens, London , NW1 1hx

Received: 15 March 2024

Request for Information under the Freedom of Information Act This request relates to all matters pertaining to 52 Greenfield Gardens.When I use the terms correspondence I refer to: letters, emails, formal council notices for example Enforcement Notices etc, telephone conversations, or any other recorded communication which has a direct bearing on 52 Greenfield Gardens from the 1st January 2017 to the date above. You can exclude from this request any material which already appears on the Barnet Council Planning Website as I already have access to that material. To help you gather this data I have listed my priorities for this information below as 1,2 and 3 in order of importance. 1.I would like a copy of all correspondence between Barnet Council and Mr Mehdi Jafarifar, and anyone acting on behalf of the Planning Applicant Mr Mehdi Jafarifar, this includes his agents, legal representatives or anyone claiming to act on his behalf. For example, all the correspondence between Mr Andrew Turner and Antoinette Bernard with Drawing and Planning Ltd who act as one of Mr Jafarifar's agents.2.I would like a copy of all correspondence between Barnet Council and Farzad Khosrowshahi and Elham Khosrowshahi or anyone who purported to act on their behalf, that includes their legal representatives. This includes the Council Notices which were served against Farzad Khosrowshahi.3.I would like a copy of the evidence submitted by Mr Mehdi Jafarifar and Mr Farzad Khosrowshahi relating to the appeal to the Planning Inspectorate reference APP/N5090/C/18/3205780 , Barnet reference ENF/0129/18 from May 2018. I did talk to the Planning Inspectorate's office who informed me that this material is not held by him, but it is held locally by Barnet Council.

Outcome / Documents

  • 11761146 Planning file 19_3943_FUL Redacted_FINAL - application/pdf - Download
  • 11761148 ENF_00253_17 Case Notes Redacted_FINAL - application/pdf - Download
  • 11761148 ENF_0543_21 Case Notes Redacted_FINAL - application/pdf - Download
  • 11761148 ENF_0565_19 Case Notes Redacted FINAL - application/pdf - Download
  • 11761148 Enforcement Appeal 19_00019 PINS ref 3205780 ENF_0129_18 Notice_Redacted - application/pdf - Download
  • 11761148 Full Planning file 24_0778_RCU Redacted_FINAL - application/pdf - Download
  • 11761148 Planning Appeal 18_0065/AREF PINS ref 3193686 17_5196-FUL Redacted FINAL - application/pdf - Download
  • 11761148 Planning Appeal 18_0350_AREF  PINS ref 3212780 Planning refusal 18_4027_FUL Redacted FINAL - application/pdf - Download
  • 11761148 Planning file 17_3277_192 Redacted FINAL - application/pdf - Download
  • 11761148 Planning file 17_5916_RCU Redacted FINAL - application/pdf - Download
  • 11761148 Planning file 21_1373_RCU Redacted_FINAL - application/pdf - Download
  • 11761148 Planning file 22_00118_FUL_Redacted_FINAL - application/pdf - Download
  • Response (some exempt) - application/pdf - Download