
Freedom of Information Request

Bus Gates in Barnet

Received: 19 March 2024

1. Please provide a list of your bus gates, with the dates that enforcement commenced. If some bus gates are not enforced with PCNs, then please mention them anyway, but indicate that is the case.2. For each of these bus gates, please state the number of PCNs issued in each calendar year, from when it was launched, to the end of 2023. Please provide the ANNUAL figures, rather than any other presentation of the data. If any of these bus gates issued more than 10,000 PCNs in any single calendar year, then please also provide the following information for those bus gates only. If no locations exceeded 10,000 PCNs in any year, these remaining queries can be ignored.3. For each of these bus gates, please name the relevant Traffic Regulation Orders / Traffic Management Orders, including (where applicable) the Experimental Order, the Permanent Order, and any Additional / Amending Orders. Please either provide these orders, or a link to where they can be found online.4. For each of these bus gates, please provide whichever existing documents demonstrate the provision of signage and road markings ' including (where available):* designer's / engineer's maps / plans / drawings,* location photo sheets,* drive-through videos,* and any other documents which are routinely presented to tribunals during appeals.5. For each of these bus gates, if the authority has a special dispensation from the Secretary of State, to deviate in some way from the TSRGD or Traffic Signs Manual, then please providedetails.6. For each of these bus gates, if the authority notified satnav companies of the new restriction, then please provide details.

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (all information to be supplied) - application/pdf - Download