
Freedom of Information Request

Asylum Seeker accommodation

Received: 4 April 2024

We are writing to Barnet Council to make a request for information in relation to asylumseekers accommodated in hotels by the Home Office in your local authority area. Weare particularly interested in information concerning the adequacy of asylum hotelaccommodation.Request for informationWe request the information set out below:1. Demographic data held by Barnet Council in relation to those accommodated inasylum hotels in your area, including race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion anddisability.2. Copies of any reports (including health and safety, public health, healthcare andsafeguarding reports) prepared in relation to or which comment on hotelsaccommodating asylum seekers in your local authority area.3. Public health data relating to asylum seekers accommodated in hotels in yourlocal authority area.4. Data regarding complaints received in relation to the adequacy1 of hotelsaccommodating asylum seekers and your attempts to resolve these complaintswith the Home Office and / or contracted third party, such as:a. Data / records relating to the number of complaints made by hotelresidents regarding standard of living conditions, whether thecomplaint has been dealt with, and the time taken to resolve thecomplaint.b. Data / records relating to the types of complaints made by hotelresidents to your local authority.5. Communications with the Home Office, specific hotel providers and/or the HomeOffice's contracted accommodation providers, concerning, in the context ofasylum hotels in your area:a. Healthcare issues;b. Safeguarding issues;c. The provision of food;d. Public health issues.6. Communications with healthcare providers concerning healthcare issues arisingin asylum hotels in your area.

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (not held) - application/pdf - Download