
Freedom of Information Request

Bleed Cabinets, Bleed Kits and Defibrillator Cabinets paid for by the council

Received: 27 March 2024

Hi there, I would like to submit the following FOI request. For context here is what I mean by the following terms:Bleed Control Cabinets: Cases or cabinets, usually installed on walls, containing life-saving emergency equipment, sometimes including bandages, tourniquets and chest seals.Defibrillator Cabinets: Cases or cabinets, usually installed on walls, containing life-saving emergency defibrillators.Bleed Control Kits: Smaller kits, usually contained inside bags, containing live-saving emergency equipment, sometimes including dressings, gauzes and tourniquets. FOI Request: 1a) How many publically accessible bleed control cabinets, bleed control kits and defibrilator cabinets have you as a local authority installed/purchased or funded the installation/purchase of, since 2019?2a) Please provide a full list of all the bleed control cabinets/bleed control kits. For each one, please specify:*Their location *The cost of their purchase and installation (installation only likely to applicable in the case of the bleed control *When they were installed*The name(s) of the companies employed to install/provide the cabinets/kits *Whether they require a code to be openedb) Please provide a combined total of the costs of the installation/purchase of all the cabinets/kits.3a) Please provide an overview of who can access the cabinets, including how they obtain the code to open them.

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (not held) - application/pdf - Download