
Freedom of Information Request

HMO Sherrick House, 30 Church End, NW4 4JX

Received: 9 April 2024

Further to previous FOI ref 11809543 can you please add the following information (some of which is included in initial FOI ref 11809543:1. License Issue Date2. License Expiry Date3. As per Barnet Public Register dated January 2024 (excel) there is no license listed, please provide the reason why it took so long to process/issue the HMO?4. Total number of rooms5. Total number of occupants6. Total number permitted7. The floor plans. Dex omitted attaching a plan to the License Agreement this will help me apportion the bills in a fair way with the utility company.8. Gas Safety Certificate, Electrical Safety Certificate, Fire Safety Certificate, Emergency Lighting Certificate. As per government publications Checklist for Renting in England, a copy of these certificates MUST be handed to the tenant/occupant (another to the council), landlord MUST hand them before tenant occupying premises. They never did because they were unlawfully renting HMO without a license. These regulations from 1 June 2020 force landlords to supply these certificates to a new tenant before occupying the premises, to ensure hiqh quality and safe privately rented properties.9. The Conditional List, the date of final inspection to verify all the jobs that needed doing were completed10. Confirmation of payment in full of HMO application (both stages) and that payment went through11. Provide the Draft License to bring the property to safety standards, Conditional List, Improvement Notice, Prohibition Order on the Property if any12. What date were all the points raised in the Draft License/Conditional List completed13. The reason why DEX applied to a TENS,as literally stated in their application form, and what evidence/supportive documentation was presented.14. What is the average time to process a TENS15. Who provided my name for the issuing of the Council Tax bill for the period 15/7/2022 to 20/6/2023, and what date did they supply this information.16. Please confirm if the council has reported Dex Property Management Ltd in the Rogue Landlord Database17. Who is the owner of Sherrick House I am very disappointed that the council did not alert us guardians of that Sherrick was was an unlicensed HMO, when they inspected the premises for the first time (much before 19 December 2022). Our lives were at potential risk.Kind regards

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (all information to be supplied) - application/pdf - Download