
Freedom of Information Request

Child protection plans

Received: 13 May 2024

I am writing to request that the following information is shared with me under the Freedom of Information Act:1) As of 13.05.2024, how many children are subject to a Child Protection Plan in your local authority?2) Between 01.01.2024 - 10.05.2024, how many Initial Child Protection Conferences (ICPC) have been held? Please provide either the number of conferences or the total number of children who have had an ICPC. However, please indicate in your response.3) How many of the ICPCs in question 2 were held within 15 working days of the strategy meeting? Please provide number & percentage equivalent. 4) How many of the children who had an ICPC, progressed onto a CP plan as a result of the ICPC? Please provide number & percentage equivalent. 5) How many children in your borough have been subject to a CP plan for 9month+?6) How many children in your borough have been subject to a CP plan for 12months+?7) How many children in your borough have been subject to a CP plan for 18months+?8) How many of the children in question 1, are subject to a repeat CP plan (how many children have been on 2 or more CP plans)? 9) Between 01.01.2024 - 10.05.2024, how many Review Child Protection Conferences (RCPC) have been held? Please provide either the number of conferences or the total number of children who have had an RCPC in this time period. However, please indicate in your response.10) How many and what percentage of the RCPCs in question 9 have been held within statutory timeframes? 11) How many unborn babies are subject to a CP plan in your local authority as of 13.05.2024?12) How many children are currently subject to PLO (Public Law outline) in your local authority as of 13.05.2024?

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (all information to be supplied) - application/pdf - Download