
Freedom of Information Request

Mould in local authorities

Received: 16 May 2024

I am writing to submit a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA).  My request is as follows: 1.Response times. This includes:  What is the average response time to reports of mould for the past two years (May 2022- May 2024)? Of these, how many were resolved within 3 months, 6 months and one year?How many reports of mould were unresolved? 2.Resource allocation. This includes:  Does your local authority have dedicated staff, budget allocation or access to specialist equipment to address mould issues in residential properties? Has there been any recent change in resource allocation for addressing mould issues? If so, please provide details.  3.Mould issue trends. This includes:  Please provide data on the number of reported mould issues within your jurisdiction for the past two years (May 2022 - May 2024). Has your local authority rehomed any tenants in the past two years because of mould issues? (May 2022-May 2024) If so, how many tenants have been rehomed in the past two years (May 2022 - May 2024).

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (some not held) - application/pdf - Download