
Freedom of Information Request

Little Strand Proposed Development Site Ownership documentation 20/3098/FUL

Received: 7 June 2024

Dear London Borough of Barnet, Introduction I am writing to you on behalf of the Grahame Park The Strand Resident Association to submit a Freedom of Information (FOI) request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA). Request 1.Land Ownership Details:We request a clear and up-to-date publicly available diagram that depicts the following information regarding the Little Strand development site (planning reference: 20/3098/FUL): *Land registered as freehold owned by the London Borough of Barnet.*Land not registered as freehold owned by the London Borough of Barnet.2.Communications with Capita Estate:To understand the basis for the diagram, we also request any communication records held by the London Borough of Barnet Planning Authority concerning land ownership details for the proposed Little Strand development site (redacted telephone numbers, credit cards or personnel numbers of a person, accounts data, number plates, appearances, customer numbers or addresses if necessary). This could include, but is not limited to: *Emails*Meeting notes*Reports*Diagrams Rationale We believe this additional information request clarifies the purpose of understanding the joint venture RE_(Capita) council's communication with departments and linked companies Capita Estate. It focuses on obtaining the rationale behind the land ownership details presented in the diagram. Justification This request stems from concerns raised regarding the involvement of Capita Estate (part of Capita) in advising Barnet Homes on the Little Strand development. Capita has, or may still have, contracts with the local authority. Additionally, an HM Land Registry certificate appears to contradict the information presented in a Barnet Homes planning application certifcation A and Unilateral Undertaking declaration of Barnet Council being freehold owner of the original proposed development site. The HM Land registry certificate concerning the land ownership details states that there is no extent of ownership to the council's title deed number NGL104052. The Barnet Homes Full business case released January 2022 confirms that:- *The London Borough of Barnet council does not hold 100% registered freehold ownership of the development site.The HM land registry certifcate suggests that:- *The London Borough of Barnet does not hold 100% extent of ownership of the Little Strand development site.Title deeds of home owners will show why:- *The London Borough of Barnet does not have public maintenance covenants covering all land within the development site.Format and Timeframe We request the information in a digital format, preferably as a Word document or PDF. Please ensure we receive this information within the statutory timeframe of 20 working days as stipulated by the FOIA. Public Interest We believe this request serves a significant public interest for the following reasons: *Transparency in land ownership: Publicly clarifying land ownership fosters trust and accountability within the community.*Accurate Public Realm Planning: The Greater London Authority (GLA) has allocated public funding for the public realm of the Little Strand highway project. Accurate ownership information is crucial for efficient planning and resource allocation.*Duty of Care: The London Borough of Barnet has a legal obligation to act with candor and due diligence regarding residents' legal interests, prescribed rights, and land ownership.Conclusion We trust that the information requested is readily available and falls within the scope of the FOIA. We look forward to receiving a timely response.

Outcome / Documents

  • Drwg number 24880 plan - application/pdf - Download
  • Email dated 26.01.2022_Redacted - application/pdf - Download
  • Planning Existing Drawing - application/pdf - Download
  • Planning Proposed drawing - application/pdf - Download
  • Response (some exempt) - application/pdf - Download