
Freedom of Information Request

Pension scheme's investment portfolio(s) on the 3rd of June 2024?

Received: 10 June 2024

This is a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act. Please disclose the following information:1. What was the total market value of the pension scheme's investment portfolio(s) on the 3rd of June 2024?2. Please also provide the spread of the total market value of the pension scheme's investment portfolio(s) as on the 3rd of June 2024. Please provide this information split by value held in direct equity investments, value held in Exchange traded fund assets (split by value under each Exchange traded fund), value under external fund manager(s) (split by the value of investments under each individual pooled fund), value under Private Debt, value under Property Funds (split by the value of investments under each fund), and any other financial instrument (split by each instrument). Please provide the data as Name of the Investment Manager - Value of investment - Investment type (such as Equity, Bond, etc)3. Please provide a full list of companies that the scheme invests in directly, or indirectly (such as but not limited to via a pooled fund, as a part of an exchange traded fund, or through other financial derivatives) and the value of the investment under each company as on 3rd of June 2024. This should include all publicly-traded equities and bonds. Please disclose this information in the form of a spreadsheet at a company level, such that the spreadsheet includes the Trading name of the company - Trading ticker symbol - Value of the scheme's investment in the company - Investment type (such as Equity, Bond, etc)If applicable, in response to any of the above information requested, please confirm that the scheme does not hold this information.

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (some not held) - application/pdf - Download