
Freedom of Information Request

FOI - LAC & Schools

Received: 25 June 2024

1.As of 24.06.2024, how many Looked After Children (LAC / CIC) are in your local authorities care? 2.How many of the children in question 1 are statutory school age (5-16)?3.How many of the children in question 2 are persistently absent from school? 4.How many of the children in question 2 have been suspended from school so far academic year? 5.How many children in care & care leavers aged 16+ are NEET (Not in education, employment or training)?6.Please share a blank copy of your local authorities Personal Education Plan (PEP) 7.How many children in care have an up to date PEP?

Outcome / Documents

  • Barnet Council - Personal Education Plan (PEP) - Blank Copy - application/pdf - Download
  • Response (all information to be supplied) - application/pdf - Download