
Freedom of Information Request

Landlord licensing

Received: 25 June 2024

I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request information regarding landlord licensing.Please can you inform me:1) How many landlord licences has the council revoked in the last 5 years? Please provide a breakdown by financial year, starting with 2019-20.2) How many properties have been licensed in the borough/ council at 31 March in each of the last 5 years (2020-24)? Please provide a breakdown of the following licenses:a) Mandatoryb) Selectivec) Additional3) What estimate has the council made of the number of licensable rental properties that the council has not received a licence application for? Please provide a breakdown of the following licences:a) Mandatoryb) Selectivec) Additional4) How many rented properties are currently licensed in the borough, as of June 2024? Please provide a breakdown of the following licensesa) Mandatoryb)Selectivec) Additional5) How many a) prosecutions and b) civil penalties has the council successfully pursued for each of the following housing related offences in the last 10 years?:i) Unlawful eviction or harassment, under s.1 Protection from Eviction Act 1977.ii) Using or threatening violence for securing entry into premises, under s.6 Criminal Law Act 1977.iii) Failure to comply with an improvement notice, under s.30 Housing Act 2004.iv) Failure to comply with a prohibition order, under s.32 Housing Act 2004.v) Having control of, or managing, an unlicensed house in multiple occupation, or breaching a condition of a license, under s.72 Housing Act Having control of, or managing, an unlicensed property, or breaching a condition of a license, under s.95 Housing Act 2004.vii) Failure to comply with HMO management regulations, under s.234 Housing Act 2004.viii)Failure to comply with overcrowding notices or fire safety regulations (HMOs only), under s.139 Housing Act 2004 and Art.32 Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.ix) Breach of gas safety regulations, under s.33 Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974.x) Breach of right to rent provisions (criminal prosecutions only), under ss.33A and 33B Immigration Act 2014 (as amended by s.39 Immigration Act 2016.xi) Requiring a 'relevant person' to make a prohibited payment (criminal offence only), under s.12 Tenant Fees Act 2019.6) How many landlords has the council given a landlord banning order in the last 5 years? Please provide a breakdown by financial year, starting 2019-20.

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (all information to be supplied) - application/pdf - Download