
Freedom of Information Request

Barnet housing repairs complaints

Received: 24 July 2024

I would like to request under FOI: 1. a) The number of complaints the council received about repairs in council-owned housing (or, if management of the council's housing stock is contracted to a company as was the case for example in Lewisham with Lewisham Homes, then how many that company received). I would like the data from 2020 to present, broken down by year. Please split this into stage 1 and 2 complaints. b) Please break that data down by the reason for the complaint, as you have recorded it in your own systems. 2. a) On how many occasions since 2020 has the Housing Ombudsman made a finding against the council (or, as above, the relevant company if housing management is contracted out) about repairs in council-owned housing? Please break this down by year. b) Please then break that data down by the reason for the complaint, as you have recorded it in your own systems. 3. How many times was the council (or relevant company as above) taken to court since 2020 over repairs in council housing? Please break this down by year. 4. Give the mean number of days it has taken for complaints about repairs in council-owned housing to be resolved, by year since 2020.

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (not held) - application/pdf - Download