
Holders Hill

Two roads ran north of Hendon, Ashley Lane (which now runs through the back of Hendon Golf Course) and Holders Hill Road. Much of the land was held by All Souls College in 1597. Dollis Farm was close to where Holders Circus is today on the western side of Holders Hill Road. Jeremy Bentham used the farm as a retreat and rented rooms there from 1788 onwards. The farm existed until the death of the last farmer, Thomas Whiting, in 1930. 

The area remained farm land, apart from Dollis Farm, until the early 19th century. In 1811 a Gothic Cottage existed, which was demolished and replaced in the 1870s by Holders Hill House (built by C F Hancock). The house became Ravensfield College in 1931 and has been Hasmonean Boys School since 1947. Hendon Park Cemetery was opened in 1899 on fields belonging to Dollis Farm, by the Abbey Park Cemetery Company. Hendon Golf Club (1903) was taken from much of the rest of Dollis.

In 1930 Devonshire Road was laid out between Saunders Lane and the top of Holders Hill. By 1938 a new parade of shops had been opened close to Holders Hill Circus, popularly called Kelly's Corner after a monumental masons which occupied the site. During the 1920s and 1930s the road was developed. Holders Hill Court, for example, was constructed in 1935. There was a church opened in March 1934 dedicated to St Mary Magdalen, but it has since closed. The Mill public house was opened in the mid 1960s.