
Residents love living in Barnet

Author: Brendan Steinhardt


Barnet residents love where they live according to the latest Residents’ Perception Survey.

Hendon Town Hall

Hendon Town Hall

The survey results, taken from autumn 2017, found that 85 per cent of residents were satisfied with the local area, which is in line with the results from the previous survey in spring.

In addition to this, 75 per cent of the residents surveyed feel like they belong to the local area and 75 per cent see Barnet as a family-friendly place to live.

Since 2013 overall satisfaction with the council has been consistently above the national average. In the most recent survey 65 per cent of residents are satisfied with the council, which is now in line with the national average.

Satisfaction with universal services continues to remain high and although there was a slight decrease in street cleansing, around 80 per cent of residents are satisfied with waste collection, street lighting and parks.

Road maintenance and pavement maintenance satisfaction levels have also risen and have both been steadily increasing since spring 2016.

Residents’ top three concerns continue to be crime, lack of affordable housing and condition of roads and pavements with the council working with its partners to see what can be done to alleviate these concerns.

Councillor Richard Cornelius, Leader of Barnet Council, said: “This survey provides us with an opportunity to gain a clear understanding of the things which are most important to our residents and areas in which we can look for improvements. It is pleasing to know residents enjoy living in Barnet and value our universal services. We know that roads and pavements are a priority, so it is good to see that our £50 million investment programme is paying off with satisfaction levels continuing to rise.

“As always, there are areas where we need to focus our attention further and work with our partners to address residents’ concerns. We are committed to delivering our housing programme in Barnet with more than 27,000 new homes expected to be built over the next 10 years, including 330 new council-owned homes for rent through Opendoor Homes and 175 extra care new council homes being built by Barnet Homes by 2020. This will be supported by the delivery of important community infrastructure such as schools and leisure centres, to ensure new communities thrive.”

For more information on the Residents’ Perception Survey, click here.