
About Delivering for Barnet

Delivering for Barnet is the programme of regeneration and development taking place across the borough over the 15 years.

It will deliver better places to live and work while protecting and enhancing the borough for generations to come.

As part of the programme, we’re building more new homes than any other borough in outer London. Helping to create thriving communities. We work with developers to make sure growth and development is responsible and managed in areas that will be most enhanced by change.

Barnet First schemes

We know how much our communities value facilities such as:

  • good schools
  • clean and attractive open spaces
  • GPs
  • sports and leisure centres

That is why we are working to improve everyone’s access to these facilities. They are all important to our residents’ quality of life. As well as improving transport links and infrastructure.

We’re also making improvements to our town centres to support local businesses and encourage residents to shop local.

We’re helping to create thousands of new jobs. Doing more to support residents to access employment and skills training. On top of getting local people into work.

Delivering for Barnet will help make the borough the best place to be a small business in London. Enabling local businesses to start, grow and thrive, maximise the opportunities development brings. Helping local people do the same.

Delivering for Barnet schemes

Social tenants

Our social housing tenants who live on one of the borough’s regeneration estates, and who have a secure council tenancy, will have a new home.

Council tenants with non-secure tenancies will have new homes found. This in line with the council’s housing policy, and where possible we will take into account the preferences and needs of those who have to move.

We also offer a range of home ownership models on our regenerated estates. This is including shared equity options for most resident leaseholders and freeholders.

A sustainable financial future for the council

Growth and regeneration also creates opportunities for the council. As the funding we receive from central Government reduces to 0 over the next few years, we will need revenue generated locally through:

  • Council Tax
  • Business Rates
  • fees and charges
  • commercial income

This means that building more homes and growing the local tax base is a necessity. Ensuring that we continue to have money to invest in local services.

By 2025, Delivering for Barnet will generate more than £11 million extra recurring income for the council. For frontline services, together with £50 million of one-off income by the end of the decade invested in infrastructure.

Delivering for Barnet schemes

Our approach

Our approach to growth and regeneration is around 5 clear priorities to:

  1. enhance Barnet as a successful London suburb through the delivery of quality new homes and neighbourhoods in the areas of the borough in greatest need of investment and renewal
  2. deliver sustainable housing growth and infrastructure, and improve the condition and sustainability of the existing housing stock
  3. ensure residents in all areas of the borough can share in Barnet’s success while taking responsibility for the well-being of their families and their communities;
  4. promote economic growth by encouraging new business growth while supporting local businesses and town centres
  5. help residents to access the right skills to meet employer needs and take advantage of new job opportunities

Barnet’s approach to regeneration is for our commitment to improving the quality of housing on the borough’s estates and creating new communities, not replicating what’s already there.

A range of housing tenures are being introduced. This is together with new community facilities, road networks and major improvements to infrastructure. Including an extra Thameslink station at Brent Cross. 

We will provide quality homes in the borough that meet the Decent Homes Standard and the needs of local residents. Within the context of the ever increasing London-wide demand for housing.

Our vision is to create mixed communities that will thrive for generations to come, where social housing is interspersed with privately owned properties supported by the essential infrastructure that’s needed for these communities to grow.

We are working closely with the developers to ensure that regeneration in the borough is managed in a responsible way. For example, we know that Barnet’s parks and open spaces are important to our residents, so improving existing parks and creating new open space is central to the Brent Cross Cricklewood scheme.

The schemes currently underway include the regeneration of three of our largest housing estates:

  • West Hendon
  • Dollis Valley
  • Grahame Park

with a fourth at Stonegrove and Spur Road already completed.

We will deliver 7,000 new homes (4,000 more than before on the estates.) They will provide a range of social rent, affordable and market rate homes. As we deliver our existing plans, we will continue to look at how we can maximise land owned by the council to build new homes and help meet rising demand.

We’ve committed to building 500 affordable homes on council owned land by 2021. We’re already building the first 40 and have plans for a further 270.