
Home to school travel assistance policies

Barnet Council has a duty to consider the travel needs of children and young people resident in the borough, in order to facilitate their access to education or training. As part of this duty, the Council is required to

  • publish general travel arrangements and policies in respect of home-to-school travel and transport for children of compulsory school age, setting out how it will determine eligibility for travel support, the types of travel assistance that might be provided, the appeals process and the complaints procedure
  • publish a transport policy statement each academic year which includes details of the transport arrangements and financial support in respect of reasonable travelling expenses it considers necessary to make, in order to facilitate access to education or training for learners of sixth form age
  • prepare a transport policy statement each academic year setting out the any transport arrangements that it proposes to make in respect of adults aged under 25 with EHC plans.

These policies incorporate the Council’s duties as outlined and have been written with the aim of promoting independence, well-being and a healthy lifestyle through use of sustainable travel options and the efficient use of resources:

These policies will be kept under review and will be updated in response to any changes in local or legal context.