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Showing 1071 to 1080 of 14882 results

Local newspapers

Last updated: 18 May, 2020

Local newspapers available at the Local Studies Centre The following newspapers are available to view on microfilm: Barnet Gazette - December 1851-1861, 20 March 1869 Barnet Press - 1861 to date Hendon & Finchley Times - 1876 to date Finchley Press - 1895-1960 Edgware Post - 1945-1991 (continued as Borehamwood Times)


Last updated: 24 May, 2022

Spring Term 2022

Fallow Corner (Finchley N12)

Last updated: 19 November, 2018

The area of Fallow Corner was recorded in 1429. By the 18th century there was a small hamlet of houses next to Cobley Farm. The access roads from the corner to the main road formed the distinct bow shape of Bow Road we see today. The clown Joseph Grimaldi lived here (1806-1827) and it was while ghostwriting Grimaldi's memoirs (1836 and 1837) that Charles Dickens probably first stayed at the farm.

Grahame Park CPO Description of the land

Last updated: 26 May, 2022

Barnet Children and Young People Plan

Last updated: 6 July, 2023

Digital skills support

Last updated: 10 July, 2024

Household support fund for adults

Last updated: 10 April, 2024

Meeting details, agendas and minutes

Last updated: 12 June, 2023

Community engagement advice for applicants

Last updated: 28 April, 2022