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Showing 171 to 180 of 14791 results

Hendon Brent Reservoir

Last updated: 19 November, 2018

The reservoir was created by flooding Cockman's farm in 1835. The Brent and the Silk brooks were dammed and the water from the lake was used to supply the Grand Union Canal. At its greatest extent it covered 400 acres (c1853), but was reduced in the twentieth century to 110 acres. Even so, it is said to contain enough water to fill three million baths, and in 1991 was believed to contain 10,000 lb (4,500 kg) of fish.

Colindale library

Last updated: 26 April, 2024

Our services Facilities Toilets are open for customer use only.

Brent Cross Cricklewood Framework

Last updated: 1 February, 2019

Brent Cross Cricklewood Development SPG, Chapter 1 Brent Cross Cricklewood Development SPG, Chapter 2

Adults and Health Teams Profiles

Last updated: 5 April, 2024

Business-Support-team-profile-AS-NC.pdf Financal--Community--profile-AS.pdf LD-Team-Profile-PE.pdf

Car parks

Last updated: 2 January, 2024

Stop smoking support

Last updated: 28 September, 2023

Statistics about Barnet

Last updated: 15 December, 2023

Town Centres Floorspace Needs Assessment

Last updated: 28 March, 2023

Town Centre floor space needs

Roles and responsibilities

Last updated: 24 May, 2023

The Mayor is The First Citizen of the Borough. The Mayor’s role in the borough is a non-political, civic role and the Mayor receives several hundred invitations a year. The Mayor is appointed annually by the Council from amongst the Councillors. The Deputy Mayor is appointed by the Mayor annually from amongst the Councillors. The Mayor also chooses a Mayoress or Mayor’s Escort who can accompany the Mayor to Mayoral engagements. The Deputy Mayor may stand-in for the Mayor whenever the Mayor is unable to act (for example, due to an overlap of events).

Children and families

Last updated: 18 May, 2023