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Advice for existing Housing Benefit claims

Last updated: 19 February, 2024

Scheduled ancient monuments

Last updated: 11 February, 2019

In the United Kingdom, a scheduled monument is a 'nationally important' archaeological site or historic building, given protection against unauthorised change. The Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979 provides for nationally important archaeological sites to be statutorily protected as Scheduled Ancient Monuments. According to the 1979 Act, a monument cannot be a structure which is occupied as a dwelling, used as a place of worship or protected under the Protection of Wrecks Act 1973.

Brunswick Park and Osidge (Finchley N11)

Last updated: 19 November, 2018

The areas of Brunswick Park and Osidge are often considered to be a part of New Southgate or Southgate, but are traditionally within East Barnet and the old county of Hertfordshire. Osidge was originally a medieval name being used in the 12th century as 'Huzeheg'. The 'idge' part refers to a hedge and the Os could Hugh's Hedge or some other person's name. It may have been a hedge that was used as a boundary for Enfield Chase.

Food Hygiene Rating Scheme

Last updated: 13 December, 2023

Spring Budget 2017

Last updated: 19 November, 2018

In the Spring Budget 2017, the Chancellor announced three measures to ease the burden of the revaluation. Support for small business The scheme supporting small businesses relief will help those ratepayers who, as a result of the change in their rateable value at the revaluation, are losing some or all of their small business rate relief and are facing large increases in their bills.

Class 6: Lists and Registers

Last updated: 13 December, 2023

Currently maintained lists and registers Allowances and expenses Car Parks Children's Centres Electoral Register Events

Am I privately fostered?

Last updated: 30 October, 2023

You are a privately fostered child if you are under 16 years old (or under 18 with a disability or from the Ukraine) and living with an adult who is not a close relative for more than 28 days. Do any of these situations sound familiar?:


Last updated: 9 November, 2020

Census information Historic Census information for the following areas is available at the Local Studies Centre. Hendon 1801 - 1821 - limited personal information index to Hendon Census 1851 - 1871 Friern Barnet 1831 - limited personal information Census data from 2001 onwards is available on the Statistics and Census Information pages.

Benefits for students and teenage parents

Last updated: 19 November, 2018

Financial help for childcare costs while studying Financial help for childcare costs while studying is mainly available through the education setting that you are attending or your local education authority. The type of financial assistance you’re entitled to will depend on the qualification you are studying for. 

Your Health Barnet

Last updated: 30 October, 2023