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Showing 501 to 510 of 14791 results

East Barnet by-election results May 2021

Last updated: 10 May, 2021

By Election for a Councillor for the East Barnet Ward of London Borough of Barnet on Thursday 6 May 2021 Name Description Result Gabrielle Louise Bailey Green Party candidate 547 Sean James Hooker

Edgware by-election results May 2021

Last updated: 10 May, 2021

By-election for a Councillor for the Edgware Ward of London Borough of Barnet on Thursday 6 May 2021 Name Description Results Andrea Lesley Bilbow Labour Party 1,456 Nick Mearing-Smith Conserva

Radicalisation and Prevent

Last updated: 29 December, 2023

Advice on how we can all work together to prevent children, young people and adults from being drawn into extremist activity, including acts of terrorism. Report a safeguarding concern about radicalisation of a vulnerable person If there is a risk of immediate harm or danger, you should contact the Police via 999.

BICS podcasts

Last updated: 5 March, 2024

Online BICS videos

Last updated: 5 March, 2024

Barnet ward boundaries

Last updated: 21 March, 2024

Council Tax arrears and debt recovery

Last updated: 24 August, 2023

Sign up online!

Last updated: 19 November, 2018