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Showing 81 to 90 of 14788 results

Children missing from education

Last updated: 24 March, 2021

Children of school age (5-16) must be in education, either in a school or in elective home education. Our Children Missing from Education (CME) Officers offer advice and support to families about the availability of school places, working alongside colleagues in admissions. They can help to secure school places for children new to Barnet or those whose parents have rejected offers made to them from the Admissions Team.

Sustainable travel to school (School Travel Plans)

Last updated: 19 February, 2019

A School Travel Plan is a document produced by a school that promotes sustainable ways for the whole school community to travel to and from school. It encourages walking, cycling, car sharing and public transport use and aims to reduce the number of car journeys to and from schools. All schools are encouraged to have a School Travel Plan that is kept up-to-date. If you can ask for a copy of the most recent School Travel Plan from the school.

Locally listed buildings

Last updated: 23 January, 2023

Local Government Election Results 2018

Last updated: 25 March, 2024

Overall results for Barnet Local Elections May 2018   Conservative Party Labour Party Councillors 38 25


Last updated: 12 November, 2021

Hendon Cemetery and Crematorium has been providing burial options since 1899. Anyone may be buried at Hendon irrespective of faith or the area in which you live. We can accommodate all types of lawful burial; whether this is a traditional coffin, casket, wicker coffin, shroud or mausoleum.

Woodhouse and the Rough Lots (Finchley N12)

Last updated: 5 March, 2024

The Woodhouse area of Finchley began with three houses called the Woodhouses sometime before 1655, which had become one house by the mid 18th century. It was home to the well-known plasterer Thomas Collins. In 1925 it became Woodhouse Grammar School.

Free school meals

Last updated: 15 January, 2024

Reception, Year 1 and 2 All pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 in state funded schools in England are eligible for free school meals. This includes academies, free schools and pupil referral units as well as maintained schools. Other year groups Children in key stages 3 and 4 in state funded schools may be eligible for Free School Meals if their parents or carers are in receipt of the following benefits:

Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment

Last updated: 24 August, 2023

The Barnet Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) has developed a Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA). This is a statutory responsibility, as set out under the National Health Service (Pharmaceutical Services and Local Pharmaceutical Services) Regulations 2013 (SI 2013 No. 349) and amended in 2014 (SI 2014 No. 417). A PNA is a document which records the assessment of the need for pharmaceutical services within a specific area.  As such, it sets out:

A range of environmental issues can arise from new developments. Environmental health and planning work together to manage the impact of new developments on the surrounding environment. Quite often planning conditions can be introduced to reduce the impact of new developments on the surrounding environment. We advise on some of the planning conditions required. If you have concerns about environmental issues relating to a new development please contact the Scientific Services Department.

Highways Licence

Last updated: 19 March, 2024