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Showing 521 to 530 of 14889 results

Deferred entry to primary school

Last updated: 8 January, 2024

Out of year admissions

Last updated: 28 March, 2024

Council Tax Discretionary Relief Scheme (CTDR)

Last updated: 21 September, 2023

Relief scheme overview  CTDR is intended for customers who are suffering from hardship due to exceptional circumstances who require help to meet their Council Tax liability. It is only used for short term assistance and is made at the council's discretion in cases where it considers that extra help with council tax liability is needed.   

Urgent help and support COVID-19

Last updated: 15 June, 2022

Self build and custom house building

Last updated: 12 March, 2019

‘Self-build' and 'custom-build' housing may be commissioned and/or built by an individual or by a group of individuals for their own use, either by building the home on their own or working with builders and contractors. The amount of personal involvement in the building process will vary. Self-builders will physically build all or part of a home themselves.  For custom-build, a developer will seek a number of self-build clients and build their homes to their specification under a contract.

COVID-19 Response Work privacy policy

Last updated: 10 March, 2023

Weed treatment

Last updated: 18 September, 2023

Weeds are treated between two and three times per year, in spring, summer and late autumn. This also depends on growing conditions. The control of weeds on streets including around established trees is carried out by an external contractor on behalf of the council.

Substance misuse treatment service privacy notice

Last updated: 25 February, 2022

Your Library PIN

Last updated: 24 November, 2021

When you join the library you will be given a PIN. You will need your PIN to: •    log in to your library account online to renew or request items  •    use the library in self-service opening •    use a library computer or Barnet Libraries Wi-Fi •    use our online services 

Library staff recommendations

Last updated: 8 July, 2022