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Showing 1491 to 1500 of 14813 results

Barnet Safer Communities Partnership

Last updated: 13 February, 2023

International Women’s Day is on Friday 8 March 2024. This year's campaign theme is Inspire Inclusion.  

Locking times of parks and open spaces

Last updated: 16 February, 2023

Vehicles locked in parks

Last updated: 16 February, 2023

All vehicles are required to be removed prior to locking up time. Vehicles remaining within the car park will be locked in.  If your car is locked in, you can telephone Barnet Emergency Suite on 020 8359 2000 For more information contact

Reducing parental conflict

Last updated: 21 March, 2024

Parental conflict urgent help for children

Last updated: 28 March, 2024

Parental conflict useful websites

Last updated: 6 March, 2024

Refurbished laptops and tablets

Last updated: 10 July, 2024

Volunteering with SENDIASS

Last updated: 24 February, 2023

Our plan for Barnet 2023 to 2026

Last updated: 10 March, 2023