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MASH Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub privacy notice

Last updated: 20 February, 2023

The Barnet Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) acts a single ‘front door’ for children in need of additional support and/or protection. Co-located within the MASH is a partnership of professionals from a range of agencies including the police, health, education, children’s social care, early help, substance misuse, housing, probation and domestic violence services who work together to ensure the safeguarding and welfare of children and young people in Barnet. Make a MASH referral

The Children in Care team is responsible for children who are placed in the care of the council because their families can no longer look after them.  The ways children can come into our care:

Vulnerable Adolescents privacy notice

Last updated: 8 January, 2020

The Vulnerable Adolescents team provides support to Barnet social work teams and key partners of the council to help them tackle issues of exploitation of young people in Barnet.  It helps deliver support to young people and adolescents who may be at risk or experiencing criminal or sexual exploitation.

Safeguarding - Independent Review privacy notice

Last updated: 8 January, 2020

A Child Protection Case Conference (CPCC) is a meeting held about a child or children. The government says that a conference must be called when the council is worried that a child may be at risk of significant harm because of abuse or neglect. Where this is the case, we must, by law, intervene to work with families to ensure the child is protected.

The Adoption and Post Permanence Team are responsible for the recruitment, training and assessment of prospective adopters, and following approval, identifying an appropriate match with a child or children. This may involve placing the adopter’s profile on a family finding website which is accessible to local authorities nationwide.

Care Leavers privacy notice

Last updated: 7 June, 2023

The Onwards & Upwards Care Leavers Service supports young people in care and those who have left care from the age of 16 to 25. Young people can access this support whether they live in Barnet, other London boroughs or outside of London. The team provides varied support to looked after children including a telephone advice service.

Youth Offending Team privacy notice

Last updated: 8 January, 2020

The Youth Offending Team (YOT) works with young people age between 10-18 years who have attended court and been given a statutory court order. We have legal obligations to support young people within the criminal justice system and reduce youth offending, as well as involving victims of crime in restorative approaches if requested. We undertake assessments, plan and provide support, and make referrals on your behalf. Personal information collected

The Information Management Team handles requests under Freedom of Information (FOI) and Environmental Information Regulations (EIR). We also handle all aspects of data protection legislation, such as making a subject access request (SAR), ensuring our services meet legal requirements, and responding to data protection incidents and complaints. Each of these services involves all types of personal information held by the council, although some requests/complaints may only involve small amounts of information, and some of them much larger amounts of sensitive information.

Class 5: Our policies and procedures

Last updated: 29 February, 2024

Current written protocols, policies and procedures for delivering our services and responsibilities Bullying and harassment policy Development management policies (PDF, 8.7 MB) Diversity Monitoring Protocol

Funding your Town Team

Last updated: 29 April, 2020

We want to make it as easy as possible for established Town Teams to secure the resources that they need to deliver local improvements. This includes pointing them towards and encouraging them to bid for external funding opportunities as they arise. By bidding for external funding themselves (with support and advice from the council) it should enable Town Teams to develop greater local ownership of projects, and to come up with new ideas for how to improve the local town centre.