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Showing 721 to 730 of 14809 results

Environment and transport privacy notices

Last updated: 30 October, 2023

Supporting hospitality street trading

Last updated: 22 February, 2023

Our local businesses, including cafes, bars and restaurants, are important to our community. As we emerge from the pandemic, we want to promote outdoor trading and restore confidence for residents to return to our high streets, as well as supporting the local economy to thrive.

COVID-19 guidelines for working safely

Last updated: 27 June, 2023

Tree problems

Last updated: 29 September, 2020

Council bylaws

Last updated: 13 April, 2023

The London Borough of Barnet, like other councils, has wide powers to make bylaws in relation to a range of areas under its control. Generally, bylaws seek to  uphold good order, government and public health. Bylaws created by the council must be sealed and then confirmed by a higher power as valid before they are enforceable. After this, bylaws are given the weight of law and are generally enforceable by the council. Persons who contravene an enforceable bylaw may be subject to a penalty or a fine.

Post-16 education and skills privacy notice

Last updated: 27 June, 2023

Child performance licensing

Last updated: 5 February, 2019

Working in the entertainment industry can be a rewarding and valuable experience for children. However, it's illegal for any child of statutory school age or younger to work in entertainment without a performance licence or authorisation from their local council. This is because legislation exists to ensure that children are not exploited, are employed safely and that their education and health does not suffer. 

Find your next job

Last updated: 17 November, 2023

Under 24 and looking for a job

Last updated: 4 July, 2023

If you are between 17 and 24 years old and looking for work or training, we can offer you careers advice and guidance. We can help you improve your chances of finding the right job for you. Looking for your next step If you have recently finished your education and are not sure what your options are, the following links could help you find a new career path. National services National Careers Service