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Showing 741 to 750 of 14809 results

Report misuse of a blue badge

Last updated: 17 March, 2021

A blue badge remains the property of the Council and we can ask for the badge to be returned if it is being misused. It is a criminal offence to display: an out of date blue badge a family or friend’s blue badge without the badge holder being present a stolen blue badge a forged or counterfeit blue badge a deceased person’s blue badge. Blue badge misuse is a criminal offence which can lead to:

Return a Blue Badge

Last updated: 4 May, 2023

Who can get a blue badge

Last updated: 17 March, 2021

Who can get a blue badge You automatically qualify for a Blue Badge if you are over 2 years old and at least one of the following applies:

Get blue badges for your organisation

Last updated: 11 July, 2022

A Blue Badge may be issued to organisations that care for and transport disabled people who meet the eligibility criteria for a Blue Badge. If a number of people in the organisation are eligible for a Blue Badge then it would be more appropriate for those persons to apply for their own Blue Badges.

Passenger Transport team

Last updated: 12 July, 2022

Fleet Maintenance team

Last updated: 12 July, 2022

Child employment and work permits

Last updated: 19 November, 2018

Having a part time job can be a rewarding and valuable experience for children.  However, it's illegal for any child of statutory school age to have a job without a work permit.  This is because there is legislation that ensures that children in employment are not exploited, are employed safely in suitable roles and that their education and health do not suffer.  

Service Support team

Last updated: 12 July, 2022

To help with parking when you have your vaccination, we have made the following temporary adjustments to parking regulations, at these locations:

Self-isolation and support to self-isolate

Last updated: 15 March, 2022