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Last updated: 13 October, 2022

Overpayments code of conduct

Last updated: 16 January, 2024

This Code of Practice explains the council’s Housing Benefit Overpayment Policy and sets out what you can expect of us and what we expect of you. If there is an overpayment, most of the cost of the overpayment falls upon the Council Tax payers of Barnet, which means that we have a duty to recover overpayments where the law allows. We expect you to tell us of any changes in your circumstances without delay so that overpayments are kept to a minimum. We will:

Facilities management privacy notice

Last updated: 6 March, 2020

What Facilities Management Team do The Facilities Management Team ensures the safe and efficient operation of council buildings. The team is responsible for:

Transport in and around Barnet

Last updated: 18 July, 2023

Active trails in Barnet

Last updated: 13 October, 2022

Health walks

Last updated: 11 October, 2023

Procurement, tenders and contracts

Last updated: 29 January, 2024