
Local fire safety announcements

Fire safety updates

Updates on the council’s Fire Safety Delivery Programme 

10 Steps to End Our Cladding Scandal Campaign

Barnet Councillors of all political parties have pledged support for Inside Housing’s 10 Steps to End Our Cladding Scandal campaign.

This campaign is a collaboration between Inside Housing, UK Cladding Action Group, Manchester Cladiators, Grenfell United, and many other resident groups.

The campaign calls for the: 

  • urgent removal of all dangerous cladding 
  • building safety fund to cover all buildings
  • Government to provide money up front and recover it from responsible parties
  • social housing providers to have full and equal access to funds
  • building owners to be honest with fire safety defects
  • Government to cover the cost of any interim safety measures
  • Government to act as an insurer
  • replacement of the External Wall Survey form
  • residents affected to be offered mental health support
  • protection of residents from historic and future costs