
Children’s Out of Hours Social Work Service privacy notice

Barnet Children’s Out of Hours Social Work Service provides safeguarding services for children, young people and families living in the borough after 5pm and at weekends/Bank Holiday’s.

Personal information collected

  • Name
  • Address
  • Date of birth
  • Contact details
  • Equalities Information
  • Nationality
  • NHS Number
  • Family/Relationships Information
  • Referral/Assessment Information
  • Criminal/Prosecution Information
  • Health Information 
  • Other agencies involved with the child, young person and their family

Who we share the information with

  • Police
  • Other local authorities
  • Council social care teams for children and adults
  • Health Agencies (like the NHS or GPs)
  • Probation/Prison Services
  • Youth Offending Service
  • Professionals from other agencies
  • Government departments like Border Control & Immigration

Legislation that applies

  • Children Act 1989

Use of your NHS Number in Children’s Social Care

The NHS may share your NHS number with us. This is so that we are all using the same number to identify you whilst providing your care.  By using the same number the NHS and Children’s social care can work together more closely to improve your care and support.

We will use your NHS number in an integrated care record system across a number of support services including GPs, hospitals, community matrons, district nurses and social care practitioners.

If you wish to opt-out from the use of your NHS Number for social care purposes, please talk with your social worker.

How long we keep your information

100 years for Adoption records

75 years for Children Looked After

35 years in all other record types.