
Barnet's Local Plan (2021 to 2036) - main modifications (May 2024)

Main Modifications

The Inspectors are inviting comments on the Main Modifications to the Local Plan. This is the version that was submitted in November 2021 for examination by an Inspector appointed by the Government.

Barnet Local Plan review: Examination in Public (Reg 19)

Submission of Documents for Examination

Main Modifications (including changes to Local Plan policies and site proposals in the Schedule of Site Proposals) are proposed without prejudice to the Inspectors’ final conclusions on the Local Plan which will take account of all of the representations submitted in response to this consultation that invites comments on the following documents:

For further guidance on how to make comments on the Local Plan Main Modifications please go to Main modifications to the Local Plan consultation | Engage Barnet

Core Documentation

The Main Modifications document is in 2 parts – outlining changes to Local Plan policies and site proposals.  Please find the Schedule of Site Proposals at pages 398 to 610.

Supporting Documentation
