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Showing 1631 to 1640 of 14813 results

School support information

Last updated: 15 November, 2021

Information on Barnet school budgets, standards, plans and strategies, exclusions, educational psychology support, complaints and Ofsted.

Direct payments

Last updated: 9 November, 2023

Mill Hill Broadway

Last updated: 19 November, 2018

The name Mill Hill Broadway is a relatively new one, with the lower end of what had been Lawrence Street being renamed in the 1910s after the first shops had been opened. The later renaming of the station in the 1950s to Mill Hill Broadway and the building of the bus depot consolidated Mill Hill Broadway as a place name.

Community Safety privacy policy

Last updated: 10 November, 2023

Equality Impact Assessments 2024/25

Last updated: 2 February, 2024

Finchley Church End conservation area

Last updated: 22 December, 2023


Last updated: 8 December, 2023

Making a formal complaint

Last updated: 14 May, 2024

We’re committed to providing a high standard of service to all and highly value your feedback. When things go wrong, we want to put them right and to learn from our mistakes.  Before going through our formal complaints’ procedure, you can report issues to a council service directly or by contacting us. This is often the quickest way to get your issue resolved.


Last updated: 27 March, 2024

It's good to know when we are doing well. If you want to compliment us, you can either tell a member of staff or the service manager or fill in our form below. We will make sure that all of the staff involved are told about your praise. Make a compliment form   

Complaints: You said, we did

Last updated: 4 December, 2023

When we get things wrong, it’s important that we understand why and what we need to do to put things right. Your feedback is crucial to helping us learn from our mistakes and making sure we improve the services and the experience you receive. Below are the most recent examples of how your complaints have been used to make improvements.