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Showing 491 to 500 of 14809 results


Last updated: 12 March, 2024

Hendon in Domesday

Last updated: 19 November, 2018

Domesday is the earliest national survey of England. It records nearly every manor in England, giving details of what King William I could expect in taxes. In the London Borough of Barnet only the Manor of Hendon is recorded. The original document is in Latin. Below is a translation:

In-year admissions

Last updated: 5 July, 2024

School meals, travel and benefits

Last updated: 1 February, 2019

Report an environmental problem

Last updated: 4 May, 2023

Report to us: ​stray dogs and dog fouling bonfire problems  dangerous building or structures  fly-tipping (illegal dumping of rubbish)  fly-posting and graffiti  overhanging trees bushes or other foliage and weeds  dead animals  food and safety issues 

Leisure and sports facilities

Last updated: 5 January, 2023

Outdoor sport sessions and facilities

Last updated: 13 October, 2022

Walks and trails

Last updated: 1 February, 2019

Sport and physical activity

Last updated: 1 February, 2019

Walking in Barnet

Last updated: 2 February, 2023

Cold weather alert If you plan on attending a Health Walk, please consider the following: whether commuting to and attending is appropriate for you avoid exposure to cold conditions, especially if you are at a higher risk of cold related illness or falls wear warm clothing and footwear if you do attend walks may be cancelled at late notice alternative routes may be chosen if conditions are unsafe