

Barnet council launches British Sign Language video interpreter service

Barnet council has launched a British Sign Language (BSL) video interpreting service, InterpretersLive!, that assists deaf and hard of hearing residents access its contact centres.

Barnet pupils celebrate GCSE exams success

Barnet pupils are celebrating GCSE results today (25 August), with this year marking the first time since before the pandemic that grades are being assigned based on end-of-year exams, rather than teacher assessments.

Most exams and assessments did not take place in the 2019/20 and 2020/21 academic years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, so this cohort of students experienced public exams for the first time ever.

Barnet A-Level students celebrate exam success

Barnet students celebrated their A-Level results today (18 August), with many schools across the borough having reported achieving their best ever results, despite all the challenges of the last two years.

Most exams and assessments did not take place in 2019/20, or 2020/21 academic years, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, so this cohort of students experienced public exams for the first time ever.

100 days of Barnet Council’s new administration: A message from Cllr Barry Rawlings, Leader of Barnet Council

We were elected with a mandate to change Barnet for the better, to put sustainability and communities at the heart of what the council does, to help people with the cost of living crisis, and to protect and improve local services.

Our top five pledges

We promised to deliver on our top five pledges, and since May we have:

Accessibility tools and our statement

Barnet Council opens £200k playpark and £75k outdoor gym

Opened last week the new facilities are part of a multi-million-pound investment in the borough’s parks to help residents get out into the open air, enjoy the green spaces and keep themselves fit.

The new playpark includes a mini castle, swings, slides, a seesaw, climbing frame and even an alligator to be traversed, while the gym includes apparatus such as a cross-trainer, weights equipment, kettle bells and bars for triceps dips and chin-ups.

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