

Barnet Council urges Government to deliver on its promise to fund nurseries

Barnet Council has urged the Government to deliver on promises of supplementary funding to help support the maintained nurseries in the borough.

Maintained nursery schools look after a wide range of children and in Barnet are the Moss Hall Nursery School and the Barnet Early Years Alliance Nursery schools, Brookhill, Hampden Way and St Margaret's in New Barnet.

Young Barnet residents win award for film on impacts on mental health from social media

A group of young creatives from Barnet were awarded Best Group of the Year’ for their short film Generation Verified, at a virtual awards ceremony on Friday 22 July.

The film, coproduced with Youth Realties and commissioned by Barnet Public Health’s Resilient Schools Programme, was an opportunity for the students to experience all aspects of scriptwriting, acting, film making and directing.

Mayor awards young Barnet resident after she raised hundreds swimming for a local charity

The Mayor of Barnet awarded twelve-year-old, Sophia Wolfe, a special certificate yesterday, 27 July, for swimming one-hundred lengths of Copthall swimming pool raising £688.75 for a local charity.

Sophia decided to mark her Bat Mitzvah by swimming the 2.5 kilometres in her local pool for Dementia Club UK, a charity close to her heart, as her grandma attends their sessions.

Barnet Council passes motion to fund local organisations and communities ahead of Black History Month

Last night at Barnet Council’s committee meeting councillors voted to pass Cllr Linda Lusingu’s motion ensuring Black History Month is fully recognised and that funding is allocated to support it.

The motion calls for Barnet’s diverse communities and organisations to be supported to promote events throughout the month of October every year and given access to funding, with a programme of events co-designed with schools, headteachers and council officers.

Council’s licensing scheme renewed to improve property standards

The process, which follows a three-month public consultation last year, was formalised this week with the signing of the official designation document by the authority’s CEO, John Hooton.

Barnet Council starts work on 217 new affordable homes

The affordable homes scheme at the Upper and Lower Fosters estate was co-designed with residents, neighbours and local community organisations to decide what to build, where and how.

Barnet Councillors vote to end the ‘easy-council’ mass-outsourcing of services by 2026

Barnet’s Labour Councillors last night (Tuesday 19 April) voted to end one of the council’s long-standing outsourcing contracts with Capita (Regional Enterprise) at the Policy and Resources committee meeting held in Hendon Town Hall.

Met Office extreme heat warning: keep cool, stay safe and look out for others

Extremely hot weather is expected to develop on Sunday and peak on Monday and Tuesday (18 & 19 July). A red extreme heat warning has been issued by the Met Office, meaning temperatures could hit 40C (104F).

The heat can affect anyone, but some people run a greater risk of serious harm. Remember to think of those who may be more at risk from the effects of heat, including older people, babies and young children, and people with underlying health conditions.

Barnet Council pledges voice for residents to have their say in adult social care

Barnet Council provides adult social care support to more than 5,300 residents. The council has committed to investing £40m to open extra care homes over the next couple of years. The launch of the council’s new adult social care engagement and co-production strategy will ensure that everyone in the borough can have a say in how council services can be run best to meet the changing needs of people who draw on care and support and for those who give care to friends or relatives.

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