

London alert level raised to high - A message from Cllr Dan Thomas, Leader of Barnet Council

It is important for all of us to understand why the Government has moved London up into Tier 2, and what that means for our day-to-day lives.

Unfortunately, rates of COVID-19 infection are increasing. Barnet is one of the 10 boroughs with the highest infection rates in London. We all have a duty to keep ourselves and each other safe from infection.

Step forward for new Barnet state-of-the-art sports and community hub

Middlesex University has committed to increasing their use of the space in the stand making it the new base for the London Sports Institute and School of Health & Education Departments, and in doing so strengthening the business plan for the development of the West Stand.

New dates for mobile COVID-19 testing unit as permanent facility continues to test in Edgware

COVID-19 tests will be available from various locations in the Barnet borough this week (beginning Monday 12 October).

You’ll be able to find mobile testing units from 10.30am to 3.30pm at:

Barnet Libraries’ ‘Select and Collect’ service extended

The service, which was initially rolled out at Barnet’s four Core Plus Libraries in June, allows residents to pick up and return books and other library items of their choice.

Since June, library staff have loaned more than 19,000 items as part of the initiative, including well over 10,000 individual books for children and young people.

New fines if you fail to self-isolate when necessary

Fines for those not isolating when told to do so start at £1,000 and increase up to £10,000 for repeat offenders.

As cases increase across the country, this law has been introduced to encourage people to comply with self-isolation rules and reduce the spread of coronavirus.

Autumn Youth Fun has begun (and it’s FREE!)

Both online and face-to-face activities are on offer for children and young people, tailored for age groups between 4 to 18, and up to 25 years old for young people with learning disabilities. The safety of our customers and staff is our priority and we have been working hard to ensure that our activities meet government guidelines and procedures.

Check out our activities timetable with booking links here.

NHS COVID-19 app launched

The NHS COVID-19 app officially launched on Thursday 24 and includes tools to help protect people such as contract tracing, local area alerts and a QR code venue check-in function.

From 24 September a range of businesses including pubs, restaurants and hairdressers are legally required to have a QR code on display to allow customers using the smartphone app to easily ‘check-in’ at a venue.

Leader’s statement after police officers injured in operation

Cllr Thomas said: “Yesterday’s incident in which a number of Met Police officers were injured while carrying out a drugs raid in Barnet has shocked us all. This happened as these officers were simply doing their job. I would like to wish all of them well.

 “We are all exceptionally grateful for the work they do, day in and day out. Putting themselves in harm’s way to ensure we are kept safe.”

Recycle Week starts today! Together – We Recycle

The theme for Recycle Now’s 17th annual Recycle Week is to thank the nation and the people of Barnet for continuing to recycle despite all that has happened this year.

Statistics released by Recycle Now show that through lockdown the UK has become even more environmentally aware, with nearly 9 in 10 households saying they ‘regularly recycle’.

The mobile COVID-19 testing unit is back in Barnet for week beginning 21 September

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