

Support for vulnerable households this winter

Barnet Council has received just over £986,000 from the government’s COVID Winter Grant Scheme to be distributed to vulnerable residents who need help covering the cost of food, energy bills and other essentials over the winter months.

A large portion of the funding will be allocated through schools, early years providers, colleges and health visitors, with vouchers which can be redeemed at supermarkets.

Christmas bin collections 2020/21

These changes will be in place from the week commencing 21 December. Blue recycling bin and black refuse bin collections will resume from the week commencing 11 January 2021 on residents’ normal collection day. Details of revised dates can be found at

Barnet’s businesses call for people to shop safely, shop local this festive season

We’re delighted to see Barnet’s much-loved local shops open their doors once again to welcome the safe return of their customers in time for the busy festive period.

Barnet in tier 2 restrictions: Message from Cllr Dan Thomas, Leader of Barnet Council

We have worked really hard together to keep the level of infection rates down locally. As we emerge from lockdown it is important to remain vigilant and alert to the fact that the virus is still around.

Barnet wins NHS Parliamentary regional award

This clinician-led initiative was developed for Barnet by local GP Dr Murtaza Khanbhai. The idea was endorsed by North Central London Clinical Commissioning Group’s Primary Care Transformation Team, who brought the scheme to life with the support of Barnet Council and the Barnet Primary Care Training Hub. The device was delivered safely for everyone after patients consulted their GP, and the results were sent back promptly to their GP practice.

Report a breach of COVID-19 restrictions

This includes the requirement to close non-essential businesses and premises from Thursday 5 November, and restrict people’s movement and gatherings. Read the Government’s guidance on what you can and cannot do.

Open your heart and your home. Start your journey to becoming a Shared Lives Carer today!

A Shared Lives carer shares their home and family life with an adult who needs support to live everyday life - giving a helping hand to someone getting dressed, getting to doctors’ appointments, making friends, cooking together or even voting for their favourite singers on TV! People visiting or moving in with Shared Lives carers may have been in foster care, have learning or physical disabilities, may be an older person with a frailty or dementia, or have mental ill health.

Your community needs you: could you be a COVID-19 Health Champion?

Dr Tamara Djuretic, Director of Public Health for Barnet Council, said: “We are launching this initiative because it is very difficult to navigate through COVID-19 information.

“It keeps changing every day and it can be very, complex – so what we want to do is to get as many people from our communities signed up as a Health Champion. You don’t need to be an expert; you just need to be able to share our information and advice with people in your community.

Staying safe: the new national restrictions and you

You must not meet socially indoors with anyone unless they are part of your household or support bubble. Outdoor exercise and visits are allowed (not in private gardens) if you are in your household bubble or, when on your own, with one person from another household. Children under school age and those dependent on their parents will not count in this outdoor limit.

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