

Barnet Council lights up Hendon Town Hall orange to remember Sarah Everard

Barnet Council joined other London local authorities in the tribute, choosing the colour orange for its symbolic association with the UN’s campaign Unite to End Violence Against Women.

By-Election for East Barnet Ward announced for Thursday 6 May

Notice of Vacancy for East Barnet Ward has today been published following the resignation of Cllr Jo Cooper.

An East Barnet by-election to elect a new councillor will be held on Thursday 6 May 2021.

Enhanced testing to be carried out in N10 following detection of a case of the Brazilian variant of COVID-19

The Brazilian COVID-19 variant appears to be similar to the current dominant UK variant in terms of transmissibility and risk of severe illness. Research is being done into how well this variant responds to vaccines. There is currently no evidence that existing COVID-19 vaccines will not work against it.

BACE Holidays: Helping families to live healthily this Easter

The school holidays are a time for children and young people to relax and have fun and we believe that every family across Barnet deserves a healthy and fulfilling holiday.

We’re teamed up with Young Barnet Foundation to bring you Barnet’s Active, Creative and Engaging holidays (BACE), recently named by Barnet’s young people and highlights exactly what our holiday programme is all about!

Your child/teen will have access to:

‘Barnet awarded Chartered status for Councillor development’

Chartered status – awarded by the Local Government Association – demonstrates the value placed on Councillors carrying out their important roles. It recognises Barnet’s clear commitment to strategically developing and supporting them, building their skills and knowledge through learning and development.

We're recruiting: Share your life and get paid!

A Shared Lives Carer shares their home and family life with an adult who needs support to live everyday life - giving a helping hand to someone getting dressed, getting to doctors’ appointments, making friends, cooking together or even voting for their favourite singers on TV!

Flood and Water Management

All Barnet council homes to be connected to highspeed fibre broadband by 2023

The council’s Gigabit Broadband programme will see Barnet Council working with a number of internet service providers to deliver faster services to as many homes as possible before the end of 2021. Commitment has now been secured for the 14,000 council-owned homes in Barnet to be connected to gigabit broadband networks by 2023.

It’s not nice getting dumped! - Barnet Council take action to stop flytipping

Fly-tipping is a nationwide issue and cases have increased across the country in the last year compared to previous years. Barnet is also experiencing an increase.

Fly-tipping is illegal disposal of rubbish and includes leaving rubbish on the street, in public areas or in an alleyway. If it’s not put in a bin or taken to a disposal site but left for someone else to clear up, it is illegal.

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