

Don't miss the final weekend at the open air screen, Victoria Park

Barnet's first ever summer festival, Discover Barnet Presents, launched on Friday 2 July with an open air screen in Victoria Park, Finchley. Despite the unpredictable and slightly soggy weather, the event has brought Barnet residents together to enjoy films and sports on the big screen, which continues to Sunday 11 July.

Council's crowdfunding cash pledge

The six ambitious projects range from renovating the outdoor space at a community centre, to holding a medieval festival to celebrate the 550th anniversary of the Battle of Barnet, and creating a wildlife wonderland.

The project creators have been drumming up support from their communities and the council has responded by pledging over £12,500 to boost the projects towards their crowdfunding targets. 

Council agrees Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion Policy

The Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Policy was agreed by the council’s Policy and Resources Committee on Wednesday 16 June and provides an overall vision and action plan for the next four years which aims to ensure the borough is a place which is fair, inclusive and safe for all its communities.

Vaccine walk-in weekend at StoneX Stadium – get your jab at the home of Saracens rugby club

On 26th and 27th June, between 9am-5pm, everyone aged 18 or over can simply turn up to get the Pfizer jab without an appointment. You can get your second jab if your first was at least eight weeks earlier. People will not need to be registered with a GP or have their NHS number.

Outdoor cinema to kick off Barnet Council’s summer festival

The screen will broadcast family-friendly films, outdoor fitness activities and live events such as Wimbledon and the Euros, opening with Finding Nemo from 11am-12.30pm on Friday 2 July. While most of the programme schedule is free for everyone, some screenings will be ticketed. There will be a small charge of £5 to see three of the movies – Bohemian Rhapsody, Beetlejuice and Black Panther – but under-12s will be allowed in for free. Please note that the event is being delivered in line with Government Guidelines.

Clean Air Day 17 June 2021 - A message from Council Leader, Cllr Dan Thomas

“I’m proud that Barnet is supporting Clean Air Day again today. Clean air improves the length and quality of lives, and is one of the key ways that we can ensure that we remain a clean, green borough.

"We are building a borough fit for the future, equipped with green infrastructure. I’m thrilled that we are building close to 100 electric vehicle lamppost charging points just this month across Barnet.

Get the jab: What are YOU waiting for?

Four young Barnet residents tell us what they are looking forward to doing once they have had the vaccine. They talk about looking forward to travelling, visiting indoor venues safely, or meeting up with friends and families without worrying.

The campaign aims to reassure people of all ages that the vaccine is safe, effective, and the key way out of the pandemic and to highlight that getting vaccinated brings everyone one step closer to being able to do the things they love.

Drive to boost work and training agreed

To meet the challenges now faced, the council’s Housing and Growth Committee approved the Work, Skills and Productivity Action Plan 2021-2025 when it met on 14 June. The plan will play a key part in the borough’s recovery effort and build on the significant work already underway around skills and employment.

As seen across the rest of the country, the unemployment rate has risen in Barnet, with 7.5 per cent of working age adults claiming some sort of unemployment benefit.

How we will deliver growth across Barnet

Our priorities for growth

The Growth Strategy aims to make Barnet a great place to live, work, do business and visit by 2030.

To achieve this ambition, we have identified five main themes, supported by a series of 20 objectives, which guide a programme of regeneration, development and business, and employment and skills activities.

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