

Barnet Council joins forces with 150 litter picking groups to keep the borough clean

The campaign will target more than 20 locations that have been identified as littering hotspots. The rubbish-collecting mission – which will include both council staff and good-natured volunteers – is part of Keep Britain Tidy’s Great British Spring Clean, running from 28 May to 13 June. The drive coincides with the council’s recent investment in more frontline staff, waste collection services and extra bins to keep Barnet’s much-loved parks and town centres clean and litter-free.

56th Mayor of Barnet sworn into office

During her mayoral year Councillor Cornelius’s husband, former Leader of Barnet Council Councillor Richard Cornelius, will be the Mayor’s Escort and Councillor Cllr Saira Don will be her Deputy Mayor.

Councillor Cornelius took over from the Borough’s previous Mayor, Councillor Caroline Stock. Councillor Stock served for two consecutive years as Mayor due to the pandemic and the sad passing of Councillor Brian Gordon, who was due to take over as Mayor in September last year.

Changes agreed to help kickstart local improvement projects

The council’s Policy and Resources Committee last night (24 May) approved a series of recommendations to revamp the system for Area Committees spending Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) money. CIL funding is generated by development in the borough for use on local infrastructure improvements ranging from new play equipment and parks projects, to traffic calming schemes.

BICS - Supporting Children and Young People's Wellbeing and Mental Health Service

Town Centre Windows Competition

To celebrate the re-opening of our high streets, as part of the Discover Barnet campaign, Barnet Council is hosting a competition to encourage independent businesses and local organisations across our town centres to refresh their window displays and come up with a business plan to show how the prize money would be invested.

Message from Cllr Dan Thomas, Leader of Barnet Council, on easing of restrictions

Thanks to the ongoing sacrifices that we have all made to prevent the spread of infection, and the cautious approach to reopening, we can now regain more freedoms.

Update from the council leader following antisemitic language being shouted from a car in north London yesterday

“Antisemitism, or hate crime of any kind, will not be tolerated in Barnet or in our wider society. We remain extremely proud of our borough’s diversity and the way our communities live together.”

Further information is available on the Metropolitan Police website.

Council Leader statement following reports of antisemitic language shouted from cars in north London

"This afternoon’s events are deeply disturbing, but I am glad to say that the Metropolitan Police are carrying out an investigation to identify those responsible for this vile behaviour as quickly as possible. They will also be carrying out additional patrols.

Vaccination event for homeless people and asylum seekers

The COVID Crisis Rescue Foundation and the local GP surgery, The Practice @188, will be giving the Covid-19 vaccination at the Holiday Inn for people who are:

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