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Showing 1701 to 1710 of 14824 results

Marvellous Makers reading suggestions

Last updated: 17 July, 2024


2012-13 Statement of Accounts

Last updated: 17 July, 2024

Statement of accounts 2012-13 Summary of accounts 2012-13 LB Barnet Pension Fund opinion ( Statement of Accounts)

2011/12 Statement of Accounts

Last updated: 17 July, 2024

2011/12 Statement of Accounts 2011/12 Summary of Accounts

About Delivering for Barnet

Last updated: 17 July, 2024

Delivering for Barnet is the programme of regeneration and development taking place across the borough over the 15 years. It will deliver better places to live and work while protecting and enhancing the borough for generations to come. As part of the programme, we’re building more new homes than any other borough in outer London. Helping to create thriving communities. We work with developers to make sure growth and development is responsible and managed in areas that will be most enhanced by change.

Making every contact count

Last updated: 17 July, 2024

Bin collection updates

Last updated: 17 July, 2024

Search for, browse and find details of planning applications in Barnet - then comment on or object to active planning applications; also find out about appeals or enforcement investigations.

Advertise in Barnet First

Last updated: 17 July, 2024

Why advertise in Barnet First? Partner with a trusted source of information Barnet First magazine has been the flagship of Barnet Council's resident communications for more than 20 years.  Get your message to every home in the borough Barnet First is the most widely distributed publication in the borough and is delivered to over 160,000 households, three times a year in April, August and November.

Approved food premises application

Last updated: 17 July, 2024

Apply for food premises approval licence Food premises approval application If you want to operate premises in which you handle or manufacture food of animal origin you need approval from the Food Standards Agency (FSA) or the local food authority, depending on what you are doing. This does not apply to retailers and caterers.